Friday, February 16, 2018

Day Trip with Steak Lunch

I took the day off the spend some time in the woods and cook a steak for lunch.  I found a nice spot which is somewhat clear and started setting up camp.

I started by making a little fire ring and made a fire.  I needed to get some coals started in preparation for a steak lunch.

The weather started to get a little questionable so I put up a tarp in case it rained.

Made a little tripod for the fire area but did not use it today.

And steak!

Experiments with Different Natural Tenders

Today I experimented with five different types of tender which are available on my property to see what works the best for starting a fire.  I'll put the in order of what worked the best to what to the most effort to light.

By far the easiest to light was some fat wood curls.  This took almost no effort as expected.

Next was some dry grass which I pulled apart and rubbed between my hands to get it nice and fluffy to catch a spark.

The next option was bark from a Juniper that I rubbed back and forth in my hands until adequately broken up and somewhat fluffy.  It started after a few tries but was not the easiest of the items I tried.

I also tried just simple curls made from a Cedar Elm and they lit rather easily.  The thinner the curls the better.

Last, I was able to light some pine needles.  I cut and scrapped these with my knife to get them to catch a spark.  I thought they might light easier but they actually took a little work.