Sunday, February 14, 2016

Randall's Adventure Training (RAT) RC-4 Knife

The following knife is a Randall's Adventure Training (RAT) RC-4.  It is the precursor to the Esee 4.  

I purchased the knife used with an excellent convex grind.  This is the first knife I have purchased which I could easily sharpen to the point it cut hair off my arm.  Unfortunately, I only used the knife a handful of times.

The thin handle and thickness of the blade from cutting edge to spine made it feel a little clumsy.  The knife was certainly sharp but it seemed there were only a few things it did exceptionally well.  It was certainly not good for feather sticks, carving, or any kind of intricate work.  I worked on the spine some to get a good 90 degree but it didn't do well at striking a fire steel.

I added a few green liners in order to thicken the handle.  They also added a bit to the appearance of the knife.  I did not glue them in but instead just had them held in place by the three screws.  I was a little worried but the handle still locked into the sheath despite being thicker than normal (by about 1/8").

These knives are highly recommended but it just did not work for me.  I ultimately sold it off to someone else using the Bushcraft USA forum in order to gather money to try out something different.  I used the money to get the Halfbreed Decker shown on this site.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Mora Bushcraft Black Knife

I purchased this Mora Bushcraft Black thinking it would be an ideal outdoor knife for scouting trips.  Ultimately, I ended up selling the knife recently to consoldiate and end up with a fewer number of really nice knives.

The handle and blade are exceptional and it was very easy to use.  The knife was a little long for scouts as we tend to only allow scouts to carry a knife the width of their palm.  What bothered me is the finish on the blade started to discolor as if it were attempting to rust.  The black finish also did not hold up very well on the scandi grind when I stropped the knife.