Saturday, May 28, 2016

Rat Snake Found on the Road

While driving out to our property today, we found a snake in the road.  The snake looked to have had its head run over by a passing car.  From what I can tell from this website, it is just a rat snake.  

According to Wikipedia, these snakes can get up to 5 foot long and longer.  They have quite a bit of variation in their color and pattern but always have a solid gray head.  Unfortunately, my picture of the head of this one is not that great but it does appear to be gray.  

The rate snake can be appear rather aggressive approaching humans with their mouth open.  The also hit their tail against rocks and trees when encountered to make a rattle type sounds.  

This is the first rat snake I've seen before.  I figure I'll track the types of snakes I encounter here for future reference.

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