Saturday, July 20, 2019

Garden Fence Clearing - Part 3

Today I continued the long task of removing the garden fence.  The job is made especially difficult by the Texas heat.  It is now near 100 each day with high humidity.  I start early in the morning and end up completely beat by around 1 or 2 o'clock.

I removed the section of fence on the side of the garden which is closest to the cabin.  It was not very hard to remove but there was a large grape vine growing over it which took some time to remove first.  As you can see below, I rounded the corner to the right removing all the corner fencing which was left from my first weekend of work.  However, I did not get to removing those corner fence posts before calling it a day.



The areas is starting to look much better already without the garden.  There are large berms of dirt where the garden fence was once located.  It seems they threw all the rocks along the fence while using the garden so removing the rocks and leveling the dirt will be a project for later.  I've probably got one weekend left to remove the left side of the fence in the picture below which runs behind the shed and down the left side of the garden.

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