Friday, November 29, 2019

Small Fence Around Deer Feeder

I generally do not run the corn feeder on my 30 acre piece of property.  There are far more hogs than deer and without a fence around the feeder, I end up just creating a reason for the nuisance hogs to stay on my place.  Today, I decided to cut down some extra cattle panels to make a small pen around the feeder allowing me to run the feeder without attracting hogs.

I cut almost three full horizontal bars off the cattle panels leaving me with a 32" panel which is about the same as a regular hog panel (34").  I had five full 16' panels plus a small 5' section that I used as a gate to enter to fill the feeder.  I used eleven 5' t-posts to anchor it to the ground.  Overall, it took a bit over an hour to setup after I cut the panels down to size.

I put up my game camera in hopes of getting a few pictures of deer.  This will help to see what deer frequent the area.  I'm in the process of switching my property tax status from cattle (Agriculture Exemption) to a Wildlife Management Exemption.  As part of this process, I will need to submit counts on the number of deer on my property each year and this will help that process.

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