Saturday, March 18, 2023

North Fence Work and Relocation (Part 2)

I've been slowly doing some work on the north fence line.  Many years ago, the neighbor ran fencing around his property by wrapping it around trees.  The trees did not perfectly follow the property line so there are some areas where it runs onto my property.  The fencing is so old that it has become part of the trees so moving it isn't that easy.  To this point, I've largely just moved existing T-posts over without touching any trees.

I storm came through recently which blew down several trees.  Some of those were coincidentally on the property line and had the fence grown into them.  I took the opportunity to remove the fence from these trees so it was not damaged (long process), cut down two of the trees, and then moved the fence closer to the proper spot.  

The challenge now is that there is a power pole that is near the property line.  One of the guy wires that hold it into place crosses over the property line.  In order to move the fence, I'd need to come up with some way to deal with this area.  Additionally, I wanted to install some field fence which would not work out too well with the guy wire the way it is.  While this is still something to consider later, I made some excellent progress today.  

Unfortunately, toward the end of this day, I was feeling horrible.  I probably should not have worked as I wasn't feeling that well to start with.  I found out a couple of days later that I had COVID.  

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