Monday, December 21, 2015

Welcome to Texas Woodsman!

Over the last five years, I've embraced my interest in the outdoors more through camping, hunting, and just working to be more capable and self sufficient when outdoors.  As time has passed, my desire to have land of my own has continued to grow.  Unfortunately, it has grown much faster than my savings.

While I tackle the large hurdle of saving money to purchase land, I'm going to focus on the secondary hurdle of developing the knowledge to purchase, maintain, and develop land.  I intend to document my efforts in this area here for my reference over time but also for any others who might find it helpful in their search.

While the primary focus will be on purchasing, maintaining, and developing land, I expect my topics to vary greatly.  I fully expect to document equipment which makes being outdoors more enjoyable, homesteading, wilderness survival, off-grid feasibility, and more.

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