Saturday, July 29, 2017

New Stand Site Planning

I'm working on a new location to place a deer stand on my property.  The existing location requires that you walk into the middle of the property.  With the new location, I can walk along the north edge, cut through some trees, and then be in a clearing which is near the tank.  

The view towards the left of the new location includes the only tank on the property.  It is a little low at the moment as it is the end of July and we have not had much rain lately.

The view straight ahead does not offer much to look at.  There is a small cedar straight ahead about 35 yards.  Just beyond this cedar, the land drops off about 10'.  I won't be clearing any area here as I'd never get high enough to see down that drop off.

The view to the right includes the path that leads to the cabin.  Beyond the path is are some trees.  There is a path in those trees which leads to the current stand and feeder.  I'd like to incorporate a view of that trail as it is frequented by animals due to the years of having the feeder in the same location.

Today, I cleared some of the brush around the edge of the tank so I can see the entire tank from the new stand location.

The next step will be clearing to the right towards where the existing stand and feeder are located.

Here is a video I made mostly for myself before I started work today which shows what you should be able to see from the stand location.  Video

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