Saturday, August 5, 2017

Sumac Trees

The area I've been clearing for an additional deer stand which is covered with a unique tree/shrub I've not seen before.  I took the picture above and below to research the type of tree it is and found that it is a Sumac.  Strangely, they only grow on the top of this hill area where the soil is sandy and rocky.  

From what I can tell, there is nothing particular special about the tree.  In the past, the tea was made from the berries but there is little other value.  Makes me feel a little better as I've cut down quite a few of them now.  

I found this interesting blog post by an individual who provides good information on how to control and remove sumac.  He suggests the use of Garlon 3A but it seems that also kills oaks and elms so if I were to use it, I would need to be very careful and focused on where it is placed with all the other trees around.

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