Saturday, April 27, 2019

Excellent Quotes on Goals and Direction in Life

Be motivated to determine for you what is important and what is not.  Be motivated to do the important things with excellence.  Be motivated to stop doing the unimportant things.
- Ernie Zelinski

Perhaps happiness is always found in the journey uphill and not in the fleeting sense of satisfaction waiting at the peak.  Much of happiness is hope regardless of the depths of your starting point.
- Jordan Peterson

Dreams without goals turn into disappointments.
- Unknown

Too many people are working harder than they want, at things they don't like to do... why?  So they can afford the existance they don't care to live. 
- Bradford Angier

Our brains become magnetized with our most dominant thoughts.  This 'magnetic' force attracts the people and circumstances with our dominate thoughts. 
- Unknown

Being too far ahead of your time is indistinguishable from being wrong.
- Howard Marks

If you think you can or thing you cannot, you are right.
- Steve Davis

Choosing yourself right now in how you treat yourself, how you treat those around you, how you treat your efforts and your loves.  Nothing is more important than these.  Because when you rush to get to the mythical 'there' one day you will arrive and realize you missed all the pleasures and mysteries along the way.
- James Altucher

All men dream, but not equally.  Those who dream in the dark recesses of the night awake in the day to find it was all vanity.  But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes and make it possible.
- T..E. Lawrence

I always sought to win whatever the game was and only now do I realize how much I have been played by the game.  I played the game hard and willingly, always thinking I was winning something.  In the end, there was really nothing to win, or what I did win didn't really matter in the end.
- Unknown

A fool never understands what a wise man is doing.  If he did, he would be doing it himself.
- Unknown

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