Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Spraying Grazon Next HL

I recently purchased a two gallon container of Grazon Next HL.  I really need more to treat everything but I'm going to use this to treat all but the south fence perimeter and the main clearing, tank, and deer stand area.  What I plan to treat is approximately 4.85 acres as calculated using the Sod Solutions measuring tool.

I plan to treat most of it at 1.5 pints per acre as that is appropriate for the weeds which grown along everything but the east fence.  The east fence has established ragweed which requires a rate of 2 pints per acre.  This is going to be really close with the 4.85 acres.  

The Grazon needs to be mixed with water but the rate at which is needs to be mixed is a little unclear.  I have a 25 gallon sprayer so it would be best to spray a 1/2 acre or full acre with one refill just to minimize trips driving around to refill the ATV mounted tank.  I need to research this part a bit further.

I'll likely buy a non-ionic surfactant to help the solution stick and absorb.  These are normally used at a rate of 1 to 2 quarts per 100 gallons.  I can get a gallon container at Tractor Supply for about $25.  One of these should cover me if I'm using 25 gallons per 1/2 acre as I would overall be using about 250 gallons.

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