Saturday, May 14, 2022

Second GrazonNext HL Spraying

The first spraying of GrazonNext HL was done back on March 26th.  I sprayed 1.5 pints (24 oz) per acre over all the property.  After a few weeks, it was quite apparent the difference that it made.  However, on the East side of the property which has heavy Western Ragweed was controlled some but not entirely as it is actively sprouting now.  

Since about two months have passed, I mixed up another batch today and sprayed that East fence line.  This time, I sprayed a little over 2 pints per acre down that side and around the sides of the tank.  Once that was done, I mixed up a batch of RM43 which I purchased at Tractor Supply and sprayed the fence line along the East fence.  

I'll be back out there in two weeks and hope to find this made a bit difference.  I've used all my GrazonNext but based on my experience so far, I'll be buying more.  

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