Friday, April 22, 2022

Plum and Apricot Trees (2022 Update)

I planted the plum and apricot trees last year right before the worst snow storm Texas has seen in years.  They seemed to manage through it but then began to struggle due to lack of rain in the spring.  One weekend, I watered them and they looked fine.  The next weekend, the leaves were all gone.  I watered them that weekend anyway but then just stopped bothering with them all together.

This weekend, I noticed that two of them are still alive.  They are the two that are closest to the old shed on the property.  One of a Blenheim Apricot and the other is an AU Rosa Plum.  They look like parts of the tree died off but there are sprouts so perhaps I can save them.  I gave them water and put a ring around them to protect them from wildlife.
They might be a bit hard to make out in the picture below but the AU Rosa is nearest the camera.

05/07/22 - This weekend I returned to fertilize and put some mulch around the two fruit trees that survived.  The project grew and I ended up cleaning this side of the shed up so the whole area looks much better now.

12/18/22 - Unfortunately, shortly after this post we entered a 90+ day drought.  I watered these trees when I visited but before long there was no water coming off the eves and into the water barrels.  The heat was so intense that they were alive one weekend and dead the next.  I watered them anyway but I expect they are fully dead now.

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