Saturday, July 23, 2016

Old Shed - Cleaning & Repairs

I've done some recent work in the shed to both clean is up and make it suit my needs a little better. 

I've been cleaning some of the garbage out of it on each trip.  I've thrown away old paint cans, broken light fixtures, and other random items.  Strangely, the entire floor has carpet spread out over the dirt.  The carpet is covered in small pieces of trash and dirt which I've not yet cleaned as I've been taking care of the larger items first.

This weekend, I added the shelf on the side of the shed.  This gives me a place off the ground for a few items including my gas cans.  

Last weekend, I pulled down the rack that was installed in the back of this first stall for holding wood.  While the rack was a good idea, it gets in the way of parking the four wheeler in the shed.  I think I'll put in a new wood rack but it will be smaller and most likely in this far back left corner.  

About three or four weeks ago, my dad and I put the freezer you see in the picture above in the shed.  It does not work but seals.  This allows me to put a few tools and other items in the freezer so they do not rust up or have a chance of a rat messing with them.

The shed is a little rough but it is functional.  I would like to work on the door a little by covering it with galvanized sheet metal, I'd also like to fix it so that the ground is flat by the door and it seals better, I'll eventually add a wood rack, and then clean up the floor.  

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