Monday, August 15, 2016

Hog Hunting in the Rain

This morning, we set the scope on my wife's new Savage 30-06 and decided to go for a quick hog hunt in the evening.  We were not exceptionally serious about it but thought we would see what would happen.  We were in the stand by 5 o'clock and it was cooler than expected for August with recent rain we received.  

Within 30 minutes, it started to rain.  I rained off and on for the next 3 hours.  Unfortunately, we did not see anything except a few birds and a rabbit.  However, it was nice to sit in the stand and just watch it rain.  Not sure if you can make it out but the next picture was taken during the rain.

Afterwards, we tried a new mexican food place in the nearby town but it was not really that good.  We then headed back home making it back to our house around 11 PM.

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