Sunday, August 18, 2019

Garden Fence - Removing Rocks

As the garden was used in years past, it seems any rocks encountered were tossed along the edge of the fence.  With the fence now removed, there were piles of rocks all around where it once stood.  Today, I worked on moving these so that I can ultimately flatten out the land.

I gathered two large loads of rocks from around the garden.  I imagine there are more rocks in the piles of dirt which essentially ran along the bottom of the fence.  I assume as they worked the land the rocks were thrown by the fence out of the way and then might have been covered with dirt when the garden was tilled.  I'm not sure but it essentially left an 8" mount of dirt and rocks around the perimeter.  

I'm not exactly sure of what to do with all the rocks.  The property is at the top of a hill and there is no shortage of rocks.  My understanding is that the clearings on the property were made will a bulldozer many years ago.  There are piles of rocks that I believe exist from that process.  I added the rocks to one of the existing piles near the tank.  I'm afraid I'm essentially making a snake den but I guess it was already on the path to being one anyway.  

With the rocks removed, the only task left with the garden is to level the land.  I'll work out use of a machine to help with this as it will be quite a bit of dirt to move.

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