Killed by Grazon Next HL & Chaparral (1.5 - 2 oz per acre)
This grows quite commonly on our property and is known to grow in sandy soil. They grow 1 to 3 foot tall have have a greyish green color. The buds are eaten by quail, morning doves,and turkeys.
Western Ragweed
Killed by Grazon Next HL & Chaparral (2-2.5 oz per acre)
These grow one to six foot tall on disturbed sites, dry rangeland, and hillsides. All three of these describe the area of our property which is almost covered with this weed. They spread through tillers which branch out from the parent plan. They serve as decent food for wildlife but not for livestock.
Killed by Grazon Next HL & Chaparral (1-1.5oz per acre)
These grow fairly commonly on the property and have a single stalk with a round top. It is often covered with little yellow flowers from September to November. The plan grows 15" to 30" tall. The plan is poor grazing for livestock or wildlife. Grows in heavy clay or disturbed areas.
Beggers Lice

GrazonNext HL
To apply, got with 1.5 to 2 pints per acre for most areas. You can buy 2 gallons on Amazon for $100 which is 16 pints. You can then treat roughly 8 acres for $100.
It is recommended you add a high quality non-ionic surfactent (of at least 80% active ingredient) at .25 to .5% volume (1 to 2 quarts per 100 gallons of spray.
This stuff is more expensive and cost about $160 for 1.25 lbs (volume isn't listed). You use 1.5 to 3 ounces per acre which is quite small. This is suppose to be better than GrazonNext HL as it kills more items. However, I guess you need to need to kill something that only Chaparral kills in order to make it worth it.
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