Sunday, July 30, 2023

Neighboring Property Development and Fence Work

Land prices have been on the rise since COVID began.  The increase in land pricing has caused more properties to go up for sale.  Additionally, those who don't sell have more reason to improve and invest money in the property they own.  I've seen a bit of this in the area of my land.  I'll include a few examples...

On the east side of the property about 100 yards from the SE corner, a neighboring property line runs into mine.  There was a railroad tie here that blocked my ability to extend the fence down to the corner properly.  I removed it and then put it back into place still on the property line but slightly over so I could finish my fence. 

I put the railroad tie back in place on December 17th and thought nothing more of it as that whole side of the neighboring properties is so grown up that no one ever goes back there.  Strangely, on April 22nd, I went back out to find that someone had cleared that property line, ran a new fence, and connected it to the railroad tie I put back into place.  I don't know when it actually occurred but rather strange timing on my part.



In this same area, the SE corner of my property was super overgrown and I couldn't see the corner of the property which on the survey was marked as an oak tree.  When I had the mini excavator, I cleared back to the tree and along the fence line expecting to get from the railroad tie down to this corner ready for fencing.  This is another area so dense that this property owner never went back there either.  

This weekend, I drove the property line for the first time since late April.  I found the neighbor to the south cleared his east fence line up to the tree which marks the corner of my property.  He then installed a new fence along side that part of the property and connected it to the metal piping that I exposed when clearing back in November.  Also really strange timing despite being six months apart.

In the spring of this year, I began working a little on the north property line as the neighbor's fence crossed onto my property.  This particular neighbor, wrapped his fence through trees many years ago and had it run on to my property and the neighbor on the opposite side.  I started clearing it and then a large storm came through breaking the top out of several of the trees.  I ended up pulling the fence out of those trees, cutting them down, and then moving the fence closer to the right spot.

I noticed some unique cars going to that neighbors house while doing some of this work.  I learned this past weekend that he ultimately moved out and is suffering from dementia.  Seems his children are cleaning up the property now with plans of selling it in the near future.  I guess I need to hurry and get the rest done while I can before I have to convince someone else of where the property line I had surveyed is actually at.


After (opposite angle):

Lastly, I mentioned my neighbor ran his fence around trees rather than using posts causing it to come over onto my property.  He did the same with another neighbor I spoke with this weekend.  He is the one who told me about the case of Dementia.  We ended up talking as he is now cleaning his property line shared with the neighbor who came down with Dementia before the property is sold and there are conflicts over the property line.  You can see the clearing and the flags for the property line in the picture below.

I don't have pictures of it but this last fall, I noticed property markers show up on the east fence.  I looked into it and found the old man on that side started selling parts of his property to another neighbor.  He sold two different 20 acre segments of land that neighbor mine.  I've not seen anything of it yet except some mowing along that fence line which is a good change but I'm sure more of it will come in the future.  

We have owned the property for seven years now and nothing really changes.  The neighbors are all quiet and we are at the end of a private easement.  It is strange to have all of these changes happening around you on property that has largely been ignored.  I don't see it as negative but more just something to watch as you never know what happens next.

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