This Saturday, I returned to work on the wildlife waterer a bit more. I built a small fence around the perimeter using a spare hog panel and a small scrap piece of a cattle panel I cut a few years ago. The two combined were just enough to circle the water tank so that hogs would not push it over and the cut piece formed a gate. I cut a few 5' T-posts down slightly so that they are just a couple of inches below the ring of the funnel.
I mounted the funnel to the barrel itself using the 2" self-taping screws that they provided. I'd considered coming up with brackets or something a little better but in the end just used the screws.
The funnel is 6' in diameter. If we get 1" of rain, it should amount to 17 gallons. If I wanted the entire tank filled it would take 5" of rain to make it happen.
I ran a regular water hose from the bib at the bottom of the tank over to the watering pan. I coiled the extra hose around the tank as opposed to cutting it.
The tank is out of the way so that if I were to shoot anything in the pen, I'm not going to hit the tank with a bullet. It is visible in the back left of the picture above.

I poured 15 gallons of water into the tank to get it to at least fill the water pan. After waiting a while, it never filled the pan. The bib is on at the tank so I'm not sure what is wrong. The process to find out isn't hard but I called it a day as I'd been working for several hours, it was 2 o'clock, and the temperature was 101. I'll work on it a bit more on the next trip.
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