Sunday, January 10, 2016

Snow an Nealley Axe on Collins Handle

I purchased the following axe at an estate sale in last October 2014.  When purchased the axe head was hung on a 23" long Oregon handle.  The handle was not very comfortable as it was too thin so it was ultimately replaced. 

The head of this axe has a cutting edge which measures 3.5" long.  The head is 6.25" from the sharpened edge to the pole. The pole is 1 5/8" high.  The head is ground with a slight convex 35 degree angle.  The pole has some damaged from being used as a hammer in the past.  

I'm not 100% positive of the maker of this particular axe head.  Under the pole is a "1 3/4" stamp which indicates the weight of the head.  This is a common marking on Snow and Nealley axes.  Aside from that, there are no other identifying marks.  

The eye of the axe head is large so most of the standard size handles were as long or longer than the one I removed.  Luckily, I found an original Collins axe handle on eBay which was exactly the correct size and 17 3/16" long which seemed to be just right.  The fawns foot shape at the end of the handle is a bit extreme for my liking but it is the right length and just the right thickness for a good grip.

The following pictures are of the axe in its current state.  It is exceptionally sharp but needs a sheath make sure it is safe to carry around.  My first attempt as a sheath did not end up as nice as I hoped but I might attempt to make another.

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