Saturday, January 2, 2016

Norlund Camper Axe

My axe fascination led to the purchase of a Norlund Camper axe.

I broke my rule of only buying the best items possible with this particular axe as Norlund's sell for an incredible amount when in perfect condition.  If you look closely at the following picture, you can see an eye screw in the end of the handle and it appears someone chipped the head and filed just that part of the bit sharp. Since I felt I could fix these items, I purchased it.

The picture above is of the axe as it arrived.  What was not listed in the eBay listing is that the handle was warpped.  It looked as if it had leaned against the wall for many years.  The handle was warpped by about a 1/2"  Otherwise, it arrived as expected.

I straightened the handle which I'll detail in another post.  I sanded the handle smooth with some 220 grit sand paper, and then put on several coats of boiled linseed oil.  I also sharpened the axe some.  The chip in the head is almost completely gone.  I could get it all the way out but right now I'm thinking I'll just use it some before getting it perfect.  This will allow me to use it and ensure the edge retention is as good as expected before just sanding away at the head.

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