Monday, June 20, 2016

Property Line Concerns - North Line Dispute

I previously mentioned the recent trouble with our neighbors donkeys obtaining access to the land.  What I did not mention is that during my first phone call to the owner he was quick to point out the fence we share is not the property line.  He claims the line is about 5 to 7 foot over on my property along that entire stretch.

He is correct the fence, which he built, is not on the property line in one area near the road.  However, I told him we had a survey done so we know exactly where the line is located.  I tried to explain but he diagreed.  He was not asking for anything to happen but was more just making a statement so after saying my part, I let it be.

I met him at the property later the same day.  He once again mentioned it stating he just wove the old fence from tree to tree so it is not a straight line.  Additionally, it is not on the property line as he wanted to be able to run my side of his fence to check it on his 4 wheeler to make sure it was fine without disturbing his animals.

We disussed  it some and disagreed a little but didnt really argue over it.  At this point, I'm not sure of how I want to respond as he is not asking for anything but is just making statements.  He is a talker so its possible that is in his nature but as a new owner of the property it bothers me.  Without any demands on his part I don't want to be aggressive when first meeting the guy.

The property line we share is rather long and has 1000+ foot of property line with no pins.  The ends have pins but there are so many trees so can't feasibly link them.  Through most of this area the surveyor says the fence is on the property line or a little on my side.  This makes me want to be proactive in addressing the matter.

Right now, I'll focus on getting the donkeys off and then come up with a longer term plan.

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