Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Property Line Concerns - Arranging More Survey Pins

Today, I called the surveyor who conducted our survey as part of purchasing the property.  I told him I was concerned about the 1000 ft north property line with only a pin at each end and I wanted to get a few more installed.

I told him I wanted to have three more survey pins installed along that line so that they could later be used to install a fence.  I originally thought it would be best to space them equidistant apart.  However, he suggested they be installed in pairs so you could use each pair to string up then fence line since it is one long straight line.

The surveyor said he is backed up for three weeks due to all the rain.  He said he would call prior to going out but that I would not need to be onsite when he does the work.  I told him I would give him the combination to the gate when he calls.  The total is a bit high at $400 but it is necessary.

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